Site Posts

Review - Superfile (Created by yorukot)

Stats Review I’ve tried quite a few file managers over the years, from Midnight Commander to GUI ones such as Caja and Thunar. I always seem to be coming back to good ol’ MC. That being said, I’ve seen to recommended by the nice folks over at TerminalTrove, so I took a look, especially due to the fact that it was written in GoLang, a big fav of mine. Well all I can say is wow, for a keyboard only file manager, it’s fantastic, and very easy to pick up.

Small Web

So I updated the main page to better reflect that I’ll be keeping a goofy little blog here as well. Should be nice. To be honest, keeping a formal dev blog is pretty hard for me, long form, lot of research, A LOT of pressure to make it good and stand out. I’ll still try and write stuff for it, but the only big thing I have “in the pipe” is a neat article on the rise of the #smallweb so that’ll be neat when I finally finish it.

First Post, don’t ignore

So… I created this site because I felt that having folks just visit my link site wasn’t quite up to what folks expect when they thing of a “home page” from back in the days of old. So far this page is just a collection of apps that I’ve found are neat. You may like them, maybe you don’t, but hey hopefully someone does πŸ˜…. Anyway, I’m going to be putting updates here when I add new stuff that I find interesting, so it’s:

Hibernation, Ubuntu & Battery Life

Intro πŸ‘‹ I’ve been playing quite a bit with my new (old) laptop, a Dell Latitude 7490. Great laptop for sure. Feel like a ThinkPad, great 1080p screen, decent battery life, i7, 16gb ram, but I digress. I would often pick up and put down what I was working on throughout the day, but not having to reopen everything each time I decide to boot back up. After much digging I discovered that while my laptop supported S3 sleep, hibernation was no where to be found.


Initial Commit It’s been a while since I’ve written anything substantial in Python. Up until this point, I’ve mostly just written little toy programs here and there, as you can probably tell from my Github’s list of half-finished projects (like any seasoned developer has). For a little context, I wasn’t always a dev. I started off originally going to my community college in 2003, fresh out of high school, for computer science.

Short posts & Personal rantsβ„’

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