Site Posts & Misc Stuff

Joan Westenberg Blog

I’ve been following Joan Westenberg for a while. I forget exactly where I found this blog, but it really resonates with me, and I wanted to make it a point to share a few recent articles that I think are really good reads for anyone coming across my blog.


I know I rant and rave about RSS alot and am a big fan of Inoreader but I know some folks like other options, so I figure I’d post some recommendations here…

Comment Section and other neat things


So I’ve added a few new neat features to the site:

  • Comment section powered by Github Discussions
  • App list change list, this is still a local pre-commit hook, but I’ll eventually add it as a GH Action
  • CSS cleanup, man was the article list hard to read
  • Added clickable tags in the article view, still need to figure out how to add it in other views

Should make the site more usable and user friendly. Also should save me from having to spam folks with posts when I add new apps to my ever growing list.

Site design and new some new apps


So I’ve added some quality of life stuff to my blog. Just minor things like reading time and some visual tweaks, should make the site itself easier to read. I’ve also added a few neat app to my list ASN and fd-find. Both are handy for getting network info and making the common ‘find’ command easier to navigate. I’m a big fan of aliases for common commands, often swapping them for easier to use version written in GoLang (yay) or Rust (…yay?).

Small Web

So I updated the main page to better reflect that I’ll be keeping a goofy little blog here as well. Should be nice. To be honest, keeping a formal dev blog is pretty hard for me, long form, lot of research, A LOT of pressure to make it good and stand out. I’ll still try and write stuff for it, but the only big thing I have “in the pipe” is a neat article on the rise of the #smallweb so that’ll be neat when I finally finish it. Been super busy with FHF stuff and works been busy as heck as well w/ doing CICD stuffs.

First Post, don’t ignore

So… I created this site because I felt that having folks just visit my link site wasn’t quite up to what folks expect when they thing of a “home page” from back in the days of old. So far this page is just a collection of apps that I’ve found are neat. You may like them, maybe you don’t, but hey hopefully someone does 😅.