Site design and new some new apps


So I’ve added some quality of life stuff to my blog. Just minor things like reading time and some visual tweaks, should make the site itself easier to read. I’ve also added a few neat app to my list ASN and fd-find. Both are handy for getting network info and making the common ‘find’ command easier to navigate. I’m a big fan of aliases for common commands, often swapping them for easier to use version written in GoLang (yay) or Rust (…yay?).

alias ls='exa --git --icons'
alias la='exa --long --extended --links --header --git --icons --classify -a -a'
alias dir='exa --oneline --icons -a -a'
alias tree='exa --git --tree --recurse --level=2 --icons -all --no-permissions --no-user'
alias tree-deep='exa --git --tree --recurse --level=5 --icons -all --no-permissions --no-user'
alias grep='rga -C 3 -S -L -M 140'
alias cat='batcat'
alias nano='micro'
alias traceroute='asn'
alias finder='xdg-open'
alias find_fzf='rga-fzf'
alias lg='lazygit'
alias wez='(&>/dev/null nohup wezterm start --cwd . &)'
alias curl='curlie'
alias top='htop'
alias ncdu='gdu'
alias dig='doggo'
alias neofetch='fastfetch'
alias age='sudo nala'
alias find='fdfind'

Also comparing a few util to make removing files a little safer 🤲.

PS if you can, you should really be using BTRFS and Timeshift, you’ll thank me later 😉

EDIT 2024-09-23T21:42:04Z

For OSX maybe try For Linux is working great!


Find, Trace, and blog tweaks
Reading Time: 1 min read

Date: 2024-09-23
Time: 00:39:01Z
Tags: meta , apps , update

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