Publishing CLI Apps (with Apt & YUM)
I’ve gotten to become quite the fan of CLI apps as of late. Maybe it’s the allure of the terminal of my childhood (starting with DOS on a 486/33 and my dad’s old Apple IIe). I was born a little too late for the Gen X Commodore64 era, but just in time to know more then just Windows 95. It was interesting era, back when dial up and 56k modems were king. I know most blog posts these days have intro fluff, to pad out word count for SEO, but this really is even why I still love the CLI when so many the younger folks these days only know GUI apps. Nothing makes me happier then to see Gen Z kids fire up the terminal, even for simple tasks. Man, wait till Gen Alpha finds out what a BBS is. “Grandpa computers” they’ll probably say 🤣. “GET OFF MY LAWN” ✊✊